First published in 2003, then revised in 2005, the new (2008) form@fix is this -- to download.
To demonstrate the new stuff, no specific (executable) file format is necessary. Thus, we may work with
\F "fixRaw.htm"
Running frozen@mid80-style formal-nets for computing. The list of potential applications is unbounded.
A fantasy baseball (with statistics gathering), a home-grown DoHS, or for project-timing, etc.
First though, we may just demonstrate how frag is runnable, right away.
The referrable data for our first fragging example is,
\r1 firstByte \*= 0xAF \r4 total \*=4 14350
The code listing is
\r fragCode \F@ @FragFun \'total / firstByte =@ firstByte' \*= 0
That is, the firstByte 0xAF dividing the (four-bytes wide) total 14350, the result is 0x52.
The "\*= 0" is the string-terminator byte, telling that the code text is finished.
As a result of framing like "\F@ @FragFun" (a form@fix macro), fragCode is runnable, just as a formal-net,
\F* fragCode
After storing the result back into firstByte, if we output that to a text file, that byte is seen as the letter 'R'
-- if your platform is ASCII-friendly. 'R' is corresponding to 0x52, in ASCII.
\a total \F== "firstR.txt"
The output is upto "total." That is why, we go there with that "\a total" just before the \F==
Just demonstrating. Not that just two referrables would choke form@fix.
\r/ firstByte \\forget all of the names after firstByte \r- firstByte \\forget that, too
This (manual garbage-collection) is useful if your application is referring a lot (lots of referrable names).
The \r- removing the specific remz after some use (cold turkey) is safer than re-defining with \r! all the time.
\r opposes when told to (re-)define existing names. \r! would just re-define.
\r/ is for removing all after that remz. The remz is remaining. To remove that, \r- may follow.
All right. Having finished what we would like to produce, we may finish the form@fix session.
First, save this document, & fixRaw.htm in the working folder, where you'll run.
If form@fix (fix.exe for MSDOS or Windows) is accessible, you may run form@fix through the command
fix formFix.htm
Alternatively, start form@fix, then invoke
\F "formFix.htm"
After that, go find the file firstR.txt in that folder. (That is the text file "firstR" if no extension is seen.)